How AR and VR are Revolutionising Talent Acquisition

A Technical Recruiter’s Perspective

6 min readJul 17, 2023
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The future is here, and every industry is getting a taste of the transformative power of advanced technologies. Among these cutting-edge innovations are augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR), which are revolutionising the way businesses operate and engage with their audiences. From entertainment and gaming to education and healthcare, the possibilities offered by AR and VR are vast and diverse. While many applications of AR and VR are recognised and celebrated, one area that often goes unnoticed, but holds tremendous potential, is talent acquisition. In the quest for innovative approaches to attract and engage top talent, AR and VR emerge as game changers for talent acquisition professionals. Talent Agent at The ROOM, Caroline Munyao shares her perspective on how these technologies are reshaping the recruitment landscape.

Key Definitions

Augmented reality is an interactive experience in which real-world objects and environments are overlaid with digital content such as visual, auditory and other sensory information in real time, allowing users to interact with both the real and digital worlds simultaneously.

Virtual reality on the other hand eliminates the real-world environment altogether and replaces it with a computer-generated simulation of a 3D environment that users can interact with and explore, sometimes with the help of special VR devices, to get a full immersive experience.

Application and Benefits of AR and VR to Talent Acquisition

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AR and VR technologies have been in existence for decades, but it is in recent years that their capabilities have truly advanced, offering recruiters new and innovative ways to engage with candidates and create immersive experiences throughout the entire recruitment process. Global companies such as Accenture, General Electric (GE), Walmart and Jaguar Land Rover have been at the forefront of incorporating AR and VR in their recruitment processes to enhance candidate experiences and improve hiring outcomes.

Here are some of the key benefits and applications of AR and VR for recruitment;

Immersive Virtual Interviews

Traditional interviewing techniques are limited because they do not accurately capture the technical skills of a candidate or their problem-solving ability. Virtual reality allows recruiters to create immersive work scenarios in virtual interviews, allowing them to evaluate candidates more effectively and interactively. This authentic environment provides candidates with the opportunity to showcase their skills, giving recruiters deeper insights into their potential fit within the organisation.

Gamified Hiring Processes

When recruiting top talent, companies are not only evaluating candidates, but candidates are also evaluating companies. To stand out from the competition, an organisation can incorporate AR and VR technologies into its hiring process. This approach can make the recruitment experience enjoyable and engaging, leaving a lasting impression on candidates and showcasing the company’s culture of innovation.

Enhanced Job Previews

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With the help of AR and VR, recruiters can provide potential candidates with virtual tours of the work environment, showcasing the company’s culture and ongoing projects even before they step foot in the office. This immersive experience allows candidates to better understand their potential role and work environment and helps recruiters attract individuals who are aligned with the company’s vision and values.

Seamless Onboarding and Training

Once candidates have been hired, AR and VR technologies can be used to facilitate their integration into the organisation. These innovative tools can streamline the onboarding and training process, enabling accelerated learning, providing a safe space for learning from mistakes, and enhancing overall productivity from day one. Additionally, simulations can be used to train recruiters, resulting in significant time and cost savings for the organisation.

Challenges and Limitations

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As much as AR and VR offer exciting opportunities to recruiters, there are also challenges and limitations associated with its implementation. Some of these challenges include the following:

Cost and Accessibility: AR and VR technology can be costly to develop and acquire. Access to hardware and infrastructure can be difficult, especially for small organisations and people in remote areas.

Technical Skills Requirements: Implementing AR and VR solutions requires technical expertise. This can be a barrier to recruiters without the required skills or resources. To overcome this limitation, collaboration with extended reality specialists and developers is essential.

User Comfort and Adoption: Some candidates might have some reservations about using AR and VR technology which can potentially affect their performance and engagement during the recruitment process. To ensure that all candidates have a positive experience, recruiters should proactively address these concerns and provide the necessary support and guidance to alleviate any apprehensions candidates may have.

Future Opportunities

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In general, AR and VR offer a promising future for recruitment, as there are many possibilities and opportunities in the near future. Here are some of them:

Virtual Job Fairs: AR and VR have the potential to revolutionise how job fairs operate, as they allow companies to communicate with candidates all over the globe without having to be physically present. Besides the employer branding benefits they offer, AR and VR also increase the size of the talent pool and encourage diversity and inclusion.

Remote Collaboration: VR setups facilitate remote collaboration between recruiters, hiring managers, and candidates. Meetings, collaborative projects, and team-building exercises can be conducted virtually and effortlessly, breaking down geographic barriers and enabling global recruiting efforts.

Data-Driven Insights: By harnessing the power of AR and VR technology, recruiters can capture large volumes of data throughout the recruitment process. This data can then be analysed to extract valuable insights into a candidate’s performance. Additionally, the information collected can help recruiters make informed decisions and continuously enhance the recruitment process.

Personalised Experiences: AR and VR can deliver highly personalised experiences to candidates. By creating virtual environments and interactive simulations that are tailored to candidates’ roles, these technologies can help foster a sense of belonging among candidates and help them envision themselves as a part of an organisation.


Undoubtedly, AR and VR have revolutionised the landscape of talent acquisition, offering innovative ways to assess, engage and attract top talent. While there are challenges that persist, the benefits of integrating AR and VR into recruitment offer recruiters the unparalleled opportunity to revolutionise the hiring process, bridge the divide between employers and candidates, and deliver a seamless and efficient experience. By embracing these cutting-edge technologies, recruiters have the power to redefine recruitment, propel the industry to new heights and shape the workforce of tomorrow.

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Caroline Munyao, a Talent Agent at The ROOM and Senior Talent Acquisition Specialist based in the United Kingdom, brings years of expertise in building high-performing tech, engineering, product, and business teams. With a proven track record in reputable startups and big tech companies such as Meta, Microsoft, and Andela, Caroline possesses a unique ability to identify and nurture talent from diverse backgrounds and organisational levels. She is driven by her passion for driving diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives, as well as wellness programs that foster a positive work culture and inspire excellence at her workplace.




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